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e-atlas: No-code Tools to Assist in the Development of School Digital Atlases

e-atlas: No-code Tools to Assist in the Development of School Digital Atlases

Create and distribute atlases without writing code


Traditional printed textbooks, particularly municipal school atlases, have long been an integral part of the educational experience for teachers and students in Brazil. However, the limitations of physical books, such as high production costs, distribution challenges, and outdated content, have prompted the need for a digital alternative.

Recognizing the importance of accessible and up-to-date teaching materials, e-atlas offers a set of innovative, no-code tools.

Our first tool, e-atlas Maker, serves as a versatile content editor, empowering educators to structure and create dynamic digital atlases effortlessly. By eliminating the need for technical expertise, e-atlas Maker ensures that educators can focus on delivering engaging content that meets the specific needs of their students.

Complementing e-atlas Maker is the user-friendly mobile application, e-atlas Viewer, a visualizer tool designed for students and teachers in Middle and High School classes, in-person or online. It provides seamless access to a catalog of atlases created using e-atlas Maker, facilitating engaging learning experiences both in the classroom and online.


This work was part of my Final Undergraduate Project. I had the idea of creating this project when developing an Atlas App for a small municipality, and I thought it could be used as a basis for creating a generic application for several municipalities and other types of atlases.

While the development of e-atlas is currently on hold due to my Master's degree, the vision and potential of this project remain strong to future developments.


  • Pró-Reitoria de Extensão, Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), code: 23112.021458/2020-92